4.5-In. Reconnaissance Flare Mks I, II, III, IV, and VII, and Target Flare Mk I (Service)
No Image Available Filler and Weight
Body and Overall Weight
NA, 23 lb.
Black over-all red band around nose end
Type of Round, DODIC
Reconnaissance Flare, NA
The body is closed at the nose end by a diaphragm having a bush into which is screwed a nose plug or the fuze. The flare com position is contained in a candle case together with some priming composition and a primed cambric disc at the nose end, a quantity of clay held between millboard discs, and a felt washer at the tail end, a lid is riveted to the tail end of the candle case. A shackle attached to the lid connects the candle unit with the suspension rope of the parachute.
The Flare Mk IV has a tubular body containing the candle unit, and the para¬chute, which is made of cotton. The tail end of the body is closed by a closing dome, and has four tail fins.
When the fuzed flare is released from the plane, the fuze is set in operation and the flare drops freely until the flash from the magazine charge of the fuse passes through the flash hole in the diaphragm and ignites the powder puff. The gases formed by the burning of the gunpowder in the puff force the candle unit towards the closing dome. The wooden slats push off the dome, thus permitting the candle unit and the parachute to be ejected from the flare body. The flash from the puff ignites the primed cambric disc and the priming composition at the nose of the candle, and the priming composition ignites the flare compo¬sition, the candle, which is now suspended on its parachute, continues to burn from the nose end until the flare composition is expended.
Munition Components:
  • Fuze No, 35, 42, S48, or 849, May U3e No. 2SB Mks II or III
  • Fuze No, 35, 42, S48, or 849, May U3e No. 2SB Mks II or III
  • Fuze No, 35, 42, S48, or 849, May U3e No. 2SB Mks II or III
Data Source:
OP 1665 Explosive Ordnance British
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