UXOInfo.com's download and upload features are available to all users at no charge. Our only requirement is that you register with us and get your free login name and password. If you have not yet registered and would like to now Select Here.


UXOInfo.com has made available for download a large number of documents, reports, briefings and images related to UXO for you. Many of the documents are from DoD projects, efforts or polices that are in the public domain and are available throughout the web as well as documents that have been submitted to us for posting. We are constantly adding new documents to the library. If you have a report or document related to UXO that is not in our library, we encourage you to upload or e-mail the file to us (see uploading below).

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UXOInfo.com accepts and encourages you to upload files, reports, images and data for us to post on the site to promote our philosophy on data sharing. Uploading is easy, painless and free. We only ask that you do not upload any classified files or files that contain company proprietary information. UXOInfo.com will review the files uploaded and make them available for download if they contain information of interest to our users. Please make sure that all files presented for upload have been cleared by all parties involved. UXOInfo.com accepts all types of file formats.

Upload Files To UXOInfo.com

If you have trouble using our uploading page or prefer to use email - files can be sent as attachments to the following address information@uxoinfo.com. Please include your name, the title of the document, the author, and a short description of the document.