School Show and Tell Ends With a Bang

Devon, United Kingdom A student brought an ordnance item to school for 'show and tell' but concerns raised the following day lead to a response by the a Royal Navy EOD team. The item was in the student's house for decades as it once belonged to the student's great grandfather.


The student decided to bring in some his great grandfather's war medals and a few items of memorabilia, including the munition, to show the 9 and 10 year old classmates. After the item was brought home, the student's grandfather questioned if item was live. Concerned, he drove the device in the trunk of his car to the Barnstaple police station.

The police evacuated the area and called in the Royal Navy EOD team to dispose of the item. EOD disposed of the item in a controlled detonation.

A teacher at the school indicated in statement to the press that the school is reviewing its procedures for 'show and tell' In light of the incident.

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