UXO History Question
The following question was received by a UXOInfo.com reader for posting:
"In the 1940's British bomb disposal units were split into two team types: Removal teams and Sterilization teams. What were the differences in duties and responsibilities of the two teams? Please define removal and sterilization as it pertained to British Bomb disposal procedures in the 1940's."
If you have any answer, please use the add comment feature below to post it. Thank you.
Bomb Disposal Association at http://royalengineersbombdisposal-eod.org.uk/conta... and aske the question directly to some of the retired BD personnel.
I hope this helps
Stephen Venus (Researcher and member of Royal Engineers bomb disposal Association)
Once a piece of Ordnance was dropped and did not explode the sterilisation team was called in to investigate and carry out a Render
Safe Procedure as we used to call it: by removing either a bomb fuse or a delay mech used on certain Mines ie: German LMB or BM1000
inflence ground sea mines used as aircraft delivered ground(as a bomb) British Targets.
Once the Ordnance was rendered safe it was then taken over by the removal team who transported it to a safe demolition
area and detonated it.