GRENADE, SMOKE, M18, with FUZE, M201, M201A1
No Image Available Filler and Weight
Smoke composition,
Body and Overall Weight
, 19 ounces
Blue grey or light green with black markings
Type of Round, DODIC
These grenades may be filled with any one of seven smoke colors; red, orange, blue, green, black, violet, and yellow. The grenade body is of thin sheet metal and filled with a smoke composition. Emission ports are covered with small squares of adhesive tape and vary in quantity and location depending on the year of manufacturing. The Fuze M201 and M201A1 is a pyrotechnic delay-igniting fuze. The body contains a primer, first fire mixture, pyrotechnic delay column, and ignition mixture
Munition Components:
  • Fuze M201A1
Data Source:
TM 43-0001-29 w/change 11, Ammunition Data Sheets for Grenades, Oct 77 NAVSEA OP 1664, U.S. Explosive Ordnance, May 47
Munitions Tech Data Sheet:
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