MORTAR, 60mm, ILLUMINATING, M83A3, M83A2, & M83A1
No Image Available Filler and Weight
Body and Overall Weight
, 4.15 pounds
Type of Round, DODIC
The complete round consists of a body tube, a tail cone assembly, an illuminant charge, a parachute assembly, a time fuze, a fin assembly with four increments of propellant charge, an ignition cartridge, and a percussion primer. The nose ofthe thin-walled steel tubing body is fitted with a steel adapter and intemally threaded to accept the fuze. The cone is fitted with an intemally threaded adapter to accept the tin assembly, and is attached to the body tube with four equally spaced shear pins. The illuminant assembly, which consists of a first·iire charge and an illuminant charge, is contained in a boxboard casing which is attached to the parachute with a suspension line. An expelling charge directly below the fuze, ejects the illuminant and parachute assembly.
This cartridge provides illumination for observation during night missions.
Munition Components:
    Data Source:
    TM 43·O0Ol-28, Army Ammunition Data Sheets, Artillery Ammunition, April 1977
    Munitions Tech Data Sheet:
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