No Image Available Filler and Weight
Body and Overall Weight
Steel, 45.81 lb
Blue w/white markings
Type of Round, DODIC
TP.T, 1315-C511
The cartridge is the same in external appearance as the basic M490. However, internally it differs from the M490 in that the projectile has no fin assembly and is static stabilized. The projectile body is one inch longer. Some M490A1’s may be assembled with the spiralwrapped cartridge case. The standoff spike is steel, not aluminum, and the obturator has no seal. The propellant in the cartridge case is the M14 and not the M30 as in the M490 cartridge. The cartridge case is fitted with the electric primer M80A1 instead of the M83.
This cartridge is for use in 105 mm tank cannon M68 for training in marksmanship.
The electrically initiated primer ignites the propelling charge. Gases produced by the burning propellant propel the projectile from the gun and ignite the tracer which burns for a minimum of 2.5 seconds.
Munition Components:
  • Cartridge case M148A1B1, M148A2B1
  • Propelling charge M14
  • Tracer M13
  • Cartridge case M148A1B1, M148A2B1
  • Propelling charge M14
  • Tracer M13
  • Cartridge case M148A1B1, M148A2B1
  • Propelling charge M14
  • Tracer M13
Data Source:
TM 43-0001-28 April 1977
Munitions Tech Data Sheet:
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