No Image Available Filler and Weight
White Phosphorous,
Body and Overall Weight
Steel, 50.41 lb
Light green w/yellow band and light red marking
Type of Round, DODIC
Smoke WP-T, l315-C806
The complete round consists of projectile and propelling charge. The projectile is a forged steel body fuzed with a point-detonating (PD) fuze. Assembled to the projectile are two gilding metal rotating bands forward of the base. A boss containing a tracer is threaded into the base. A burster casing is press-fitted into the projectile nose with the other end seated in a well at the base of the projectile. A burster charge of tetrytol is contained in the burster casing. The propelling charge consists of a brass cartridge case containing the propelling charge in a silk bag. Distance wadding is used to hold the silk bag in place, and a plastic closing plug is used to close the mouth of the cartridge case. An electric percussion primer is installed in the base of the cartridge case.
This round is used in 120-mm tank guns for target marking and smoke screening. It also has a limited incendiary action.
When the electric percussion primer is initiated in the breech of the weapon, the resulting flash ignites the propelling charge. The burning propelling charge generates gases that drive the projectile from the gun bore and ignite the tracer. The tracer provides a visible red trace during the first three seconds ofÂ’ projectile flight. The PD fuze functions on impact, detonating the burster charge. Explosion of the burster charge shatters the projectile body and disperses the white phosphorous. Upon contact with the air, white phosphorous spontaneously ignites and burns, producing a dense white smoke and flaming particles.
Munition Components:
  • Cartridge case M109 (T25)
  • Tracer M7
  • Propellant M31
  • Fuze PD-M557,M520 serie, M564, M572
  • Cartridge case M109 (T25)
  • Tracer M7
  • Propellant M31
  • Fuze PD-M557,M520 serie, M564, M572
  • Cartridge case M109 (T25)
  • Tracer M7
  • Propellant M31
  • Fuze PD-M557,M520 serie, M564, M572
Data Source:
TM 43-0001-28 April 1977
Munitions Tech Data Sheet:
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