The warhead is cylindrical and tapered. The forward end, called the ogive, is thin metal and hollow. The rear end, threaded internally to receive the fuze which is encircled by a safefy band. The warhead contains a copper cone whose apex faces aft and acts to shape the high explosive charge Composition B -(Comp B).
The base detonating (BD) rocket fuze M404A2 consists of a body which contains the functioning parts; a safety band, a detonator and a booster pellet. The fuze body and safety band are olive drab. The fuze mechanism consists of an activating plunger, a setback spring, a setback sleeve, a firing pin assembly, a detent spring, an ejection pin and an ejection spring. The spring-loaded ejection pin passes through the fuze body.
c . The motor assembly consists of a tube which houses the propellant and igniter. The fin assembly is securely attached to this tube. The front end of the tube is assembled to the base of the fuze. The rear end forms a nozzle. The cylindrical motor cavity is divided into four sections by two spacer plates which support the grains of propellant powder.
d. Each grain of propellant is 5-in. long and approximately 3/8-in. in diameter. Three grains are placed in each of the four sections formed by the spacer plates. Each lot of propellant is adjusted at the time of manufacture to give standard velocity. The igniter ignites the propellant.
e. The igniter consists of a short, cylindrical plastic case containing a small black powder charge and an electrical squib. It is assembled in the forward end of the motor on top of the propellant, spacer plates. The leads of the electrical squib, running parallel to the grains of propellant, pass from the igniter through the nozzle into the expansion cone. A green lead (ground) wire is connected to the aluminum support ring of the contact ring assembly. A red lead (positive) wire is attached to a pin which is insulated from the support ring, but is in contact with the copper contact band. These connections are positioned 180° apart. Blue lead is used for test purpose only.
f . The fin assembly consists of six aluminum alloy fins and a contact ring assembly. The contact ring assembly, which encircles the fins, consists of three rings. The aluminum support ring, which is innermost, is separated from the copper contact ring by a plastic insulating ring, The fins are spot welded to the expansion cone, and the expansion cone is press fitted to the rear of the motor tube. The M24 and the M66 offroute mines utilizing M28A2 HEAT rockets are described in TM 43-0001-36.
The BD rocket fuze M404A1 is similar to BD rocket fuze M404A2. The M404A1 differs principally in minor design changes of the functioning parts and the shape of the safety band.