No Image Available Filler and Weight
NA, 0
Body and Overall Weight
Aluminum, 0.43 lb
Anodized metallic yellow/brown
Type of Round, DODIC
NA, 1370-L410
The flare consists of an aluminum case which houses the flare pellet, piston, and end cap. The flare is approximately 8 inches long and has a square .97 x .97-inch cross-section and weighs approximately 0.43 pounds per unit. The payload composition consists of magnesium, teflon and a binder.
The flares are dispensed from aircraft to decoy infrared seeking missile threats away from aircraft.
The flanged base of the cartridge case has a preformed hole to enable insertion of the M796 impulse cartridge. The impulse cartridge is fired by an electrical impulse. Expanding hot gas, developed by the impulse cartridge, causes the piston to expel the flare pellet from the cartridge case; simultaneously, the flare pellet is ignited.
Munition Components:
  • Pyrotechnic charge: Type Magnesium/teflon (pellet form), Weight 150 grams (5.3 oz)
  • Expelling charge: Type Hercules Bulls Eye smokeless powder, Weight 0.25 grams
  • Pyrotechnic charge: Type Magnesium/teflon (pellet form), Weight 150 grams (5.3 oz)
  • Expelling charge: Type Hercules Bulls Eye smokeless powder, Weight 0.25 grams
  • Pyrotechnic charge: Type Magnesium/teflon (pellet form), Weight 150 grams (5.3 oz)
  • Expelling charge: Type Hercules Bulls Eye smokeless powder, Weight 0.25 grams
Data Source:
TM 43-0001-37 Jan 1994
Munitions Tech Data Sheet:
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