UXO Site selected: Redstone Arsenal, AL

General Area: Huntsville, AL

Site Type/Program: MMRP - Army

Location: Redstone Arsenal (37,910 acres) is located in southern Alabama, and is bounded by the city of Huntsville to the north and east and by the Tennessee River to the south.

Brief History: The present boundaries of RSA include three separate military facilities originally established in 1941; the Redstone Ordnance Plant (later Redstone Arsenal), the Huntsville arsenal, and the Gulf Chemical Warfare Depot. From 1942 to 1945, these three facilities worked together to produce conventional and chemical munitions for use during World War II. Immediately after World War II, the Gulf Chemical Warfare Depot acted as the center for receipt and storage of surplus chemical munitions and agents and captured German chemical agents. Between 1945 and 1949,all three facilities reduced activities to standby status levels. In 1947, the functions of the Gulf Chemical Warfare Depot were incorporated into those of Huntsville Arsenal and subsequently the Huntsville Arsenal was declared surplus. In 1949, the Army designated Redstone Arsenal as caretaker of Huntsville Arsenal properties. Redstone Arsenal was reactivated in 1949 to perform basic research and development (R&D) in rocketry and guided missile systems. NASA has a long- term (99 year) renewable lease to use Army property for the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). The 23 sites identified in the Phase 3 Inventory were historically used for chemical munitions, former burning areas, former mustard gas demilitarization and disposal sites/trenches, and hazardous waste sites (1393.7 acres).

Range / Site Description:

Associated Munitions: CWM, HE explosives (virtually all calibers), small arsms,

Activities Completed:


Other Information:

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