UXO Site selected: Yuma Camp Site, AZ

General Area: Yuma, AZ

Site Type/Program: FUDS

Location: The former Yuma Camp Site consists of 618.85 acres and is located approximately 6 miles southeast of the central business district of the city of Yuma, in Yuma County, Arizona, and partially within the current city limits of Yuma. The site lies generally in the north ½ of Section 1 and the east ½ of Section 2, Township 9 South, Range 23 West. The Southern Pacific Railroad crosses through the northern portion of the site.

Brief History: A written request was made by the War Department to the Department of Interior on 21 May 1943 for use of 262.48 acres of land for this site. The remaining 356.37 acres were leased from private owners (dates unknown). The use permit from the Department of Interior was dated 19 May 1944. The site was used as a tent camp and temporary mess hall in support of maneuvers and training for troops during World War II. It was used in connection with the Desert Training Center and the California-Arizona Maneuver Area, not with the Fixed Gunnery School as stated in the Findings of Fact. A pistol range was located on the site, but no evidence was found to indicate the presence or use of any chemical warfare materials. The site was declared surplus on 16 March 1944 (prior to receipt of the formal use permit from the Department of Interior). The remaining use permits were terminated between 5 June 1944 and 15 February 1945.

Range / Site Description:

Associated Munitions:

Activities Completed: The Archives Search Report was completed by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, in April 1993.

Issues: The CEHNC Technical Advisory Group recommended no further action (NOFA) for this site. A new RAC form has been completed to justify the change from RAC 4 to RAC 5.

Other Information: NOFA

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