Air Force Developing Focused Lethality Munitions

The Air Force issued a multi-million dollar contract to create a carbon-fiber version of the recently developed Small Diameter Bomb (SDB). The SDB, also known as Guided Bomb Unit 39/B (GBU-39/B) is the smallest guided bomb in the U.S. ordnance inventory. The bomb is approximately 70 inches long with a diameter of 7.5 inches. The weapon can be launched from the F-15E, F/A-22, F-35 (Joint Strike Fighter), Joint Unmanned Combat Air System, as well as other weapons platforms. The GBU-39/B uses global positioning system (GPS) technology for guidance that provides the military a standoff range of 60 nautical miles.

The carbon-fiber version of the GBU-39/B is being developed in an effort to significantly reduce the amount of collateral damage caused by shrapnel. The carbon-fiber version of the SBD, which the Air Force also refers to as a "Focused Lethality Munition", is scheduled to be operational by 2008.

The image below shows 4 GBU-39/B bombs (current configuration) mounted on an aircraft.

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