FLIR's Unmanned Ground Systems

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About FLIR's Unmanned Ground Systems

A unit of FLIR Systems, Inc., FLIR Unmanned Ground Systems is the world's leading provider of battle-tested Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs). We partner with U.S. and international military, law enforcement and industrial users to design and build technologically advanced robots that support a wide range of missions. Whether it's a roadside bomb on the battlefield, a suspicious package on the subway, or a potential hazmat situation, our robots help keep troops, first responders, and the public safe.



Schonstedt Instruments


For more information on Schonstedt Instruments' UXO Clearance equipment, please visit

MuniRem Environmental


MuniRem Environmental (MRE) is an industry leader in providing chemistry that near instantly neutralize and destroys explosives and other energetics to non-hazardous end products. Our MuniRem product degrades energetics and chemical warfare materiel (CWM), while stabilizing heavy metals as the insoluble metal sulfides. MuniRem is recognized as a safer and faster solution for removing explosive risks from different materials.

MRE's award winning innovative green solutions are delivered to its private industry and government clients by highly qualified, dedicated and driven staff of engineers, scientists and UXO professionals. MuniRem has been applied at diverse Munitions and Explosives of concern (MEC) project sites in the United States and internationally.

MuniRem has been applied to:

  • Instantly neutralize bulk explosives
  • Destroy mustard and other chemical warfare materiel to non-hazardous products
  • Decontaminate explosives contaminated buildings, pipes, equipment and range scrap
  • Remove explosive risks ahead of UXO Tech response
  • Neutralize recovered underwater munitions on-site
  • Remediate explosives contaminated soil and groundwater
  • Clean explosives manufacturing plants and indoor training ranges
  • Destroy explosives in spent activated carbon
  • Destroy chlorinated organics (e.g., HCB, PCBs, TCE, PCE, etc.)
  • Stabilize and precipitate metals as the insoluble metal sulfides
  • Destroy chlorinated organics (e.g., HCB, PCBs, TCE, PCE, etc.)
  • Remediation of metals (AL, As, Ba, Ca, Cr(IV), Hg, Pb, U, etc.) by stabilization as insoluble metal sulfides


HDR -Corporate Sponsor

Ordnance Holdings, Inc. (OHI)

Ordnance Holdings, Inc. (OHI) - developer and operator of, is a small certified HUB Zone business specializing in providing UXO Support Services to the industry. Services offered by include:

OHI's competitive overhead rates and experienced team make OHI the ideal contractor for your next UXO project.

For more information please contact OHI's /'s Technical Director, Jonathan Sperka at (443)522-2933 x 2or email -

Visit OHI's Website.

CEIA Detectors


For More Information:    Email:    Phone:1-888-532-CEIA

TripWire to be Featured on "Alpha Dogs" Friday Night

The Tactical Explosive Detector Dog (TEDD) Program was created by the US Army and uses specially trained dogs to search for explosive devices. Approximately 100 such dogs are deployed to Afghanistan at any time. The dogs are trained to conduct "road clear" operations where they search for IEDs just ahead of where the army unit is traveling. sponsor, TripWire, handles dogs trained for the program and they will be featured in National Geographic's "Alpha Dogs," Friday, Feb. 15 at 9:30 PM. Don't miss it!.

For more information, visit:

Tripwire Operations Group

Tripwire Operations Group provides products and services used for public safety, emergency response, and homeland security. Headquartered in Gettysburg, PA and established in 2005 Tripwire has reached across the country to support hundreds of public agencies with training courses, training equipment, and operational supplies.

Tripwire's professional instructors have trained over 8500 first responders from local, state, and federal agencies as well as military personnel in specialized response to critical incidents involving chemical, biological, radiological/nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) materials.

Owned and operated by first responders for first responders Tripwire maintains federally licensed explosives importing, manufacturing and storage facilities throughout the US.

Tripwire's newest division, the Tripwire Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDTE) Program conducts laboratory and field experiments in support of national defense applications for science and technology. Tripwire RDTE maintains a laboratory facility in Philadelphia, PA at the University City Science Center. In the lab, scientists, technicians, and operations specialists carry out projects involving chemical synthesis and analysis. In the field, Tripwire RDTE investigates energetic events, hazardous materials, countermeasures, and detection equipment.


UXO Training Goes Digital

Press release submitted by: Isabel Jackson, email:, phone: (970) 292-2030.

UXO Global has been providing meaningful, effective and sustainable training for the UXO community since Sept 2009. We consistently produce highly trained and capable UXO Tech I's. Several Program Managers and USACE Representatives have singled out our graduates as being "exceptionally well trained and qualified."

UXO global team

We are pleased to announce that we have gone digital. All of our courseware is now distributed on HP TouchPads. Students are able to highlight, draw and take notes digitally while following along with the class. At the end of each term, each student receives a copy of their note filled courseware on a JumpDrive. This allows for easier referencing when out on a job site.

2012 Class Honor Graduates

UXO Global is proud to recognize our Honor Graduates from classes thus far in 2012. These graduates achieved the highest GPA among their peers and have been formally recognized as the "Honor Graduate".

  • Class 01-2012 - D. Ashley Rice
  • Class 03-2012 - William Zdrojewski
  • Class 04-2012 - Joshua Liscombe
  • Class 06-2012 - Marc Huck
  • Class 07-2012 - Class starts on July 23rd.
UXO Global Staff

UXO Global is proud of its Instructor Staff; both past and present. UXO Global has been privileged to have some of the industry's leading professionals working with us and is excited to recognize our current staff.


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