Tripwire Operations Group

Tripwire Operations Group provides products and services used for public safety, emergency response, and homeland security. Headquartered in Gettysburg, PA and established in 2005 Tripwire has reached across the country to support hundreds of public agencies with training courses, training equipment, and operational supplies.
Tripwire's professional instructors have trained over 8500 first responders from local, state, and federal agencies as well as military personnel in specialized response to critical incidents involving chemical, biological, radiological/nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) materials.
Owned and operated by first responders for first responders Tripwire maintains federally licensed explosives importing, manufacturing and storage facilities throughout the US.
Tripwire's newest division, the Tripwire Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDTE) Program conducts laboratory and field experiments in support of national defense applications for science and technology. Tripwire RDTE maintains a laboratory facility in Philadelphia, PA at the University City Science Center. In the lab, scientists, technicians, and operations specialists carry out projects involving chemical synthesis and analysis. In the field, Tripwire RDTE investigates energetic events, hazardous materials, countermeasures, and detection equipment.
Tripwire Operations Group proudly invites you to explore opportunities with the training, manufacturing, and RDTE divisions. The experienced cadre and friendly staff look forward to meeting today's needs and exceeding the requirements of tomorrow.
For more information on Tripwire, please contact:
Ryan J. Morris, M.A.
Tripwire Operations Group, LLC.
1701 N. 20th St Suite B
Tampa, FL 33605
Office: 888-330-7015
Direct: 717-648-2792
Fax: 717-334-6391
Google Voice: 202-573-8105