Advertising is the largest and most comprehensive site on the web for UXO news and information. Below are a few facts and statistics about the website and the monthly UXO-Newsletter. Average Monthly Statistics

  • Hits: 100,000+
  • Page Views: 30,000+
  • User Sessions: 4,000+
  • E-Newsletter distribution 2,500+ has hundreds of registered user from:

  • Over 30 Countries
  • Over 30 U.S. Government Agencies and Departments (e.g., USEPA, DOI, BLM)
  • Over 20 DoD Organizations (e.g., USACE, Navy, USAF)

Advertising on provides you direct exposure to the entire UXO industry. Advertising revenue helps to support and grow the website as a free service to the industry. There are two basic ways to advertise on - Corporate Sponsorships or Individual Advertisements. Corporate Sponsorships

Corporate Sponsors Receive:
  • Banner ad on Home Page
  • Company ad in monthly UXO E-newsletter
  • Free placement of help wanted ads

Becoming a Corporate Sponsor is easy; simply email your information for your ad including text, links, logos and other graphics. We will then send you a link of a preview for the ads. Upon your approval we will upload the ad to the website and the UXO E-Newsletter.

For Corporate Sponsorship rates or if you have any questions please email's Marketing Coordinator, Jenna Coven at

Individual Advertisements

UXO E-Newsletter Ads Advertising space is available in the monthly UXO E-Newsletter to promote your products and services to the UXO industry: email for rates and more information.

Help Wanted Ads Post your help wanted ad on the website and in the monthly UXO E-Newsletter: email for rates and more information.

Ask about multi-month discounts for running individual advertisements across multiple consecutive months.

To advertise in the UXO E-Newsletter and website email your information for your advertisement including text, links, logos and other graphics. We will then send you a link of proof within 24 hours. Upon approval of the proof, we will upload the advertisement to the website and also place the advertisement in the applicable UXO E-Newsletter.

If you have any questions or need further information please email is brought to by:

BlogCFC was created by Raymond Camden. This blog is running version 5.5.002.