705th Ordnance Company EOD Return From Iraq

Fort Polk, Louisiana Soldiers of the 705th Ordnance Company, EOD, 1st Combat Support Brigade returned home after a 15th month deployment in Iraq. The members of the EOD unit were welcomed home by family and friends as well as one very special person. That person was Staff Sgt. James Pistole who served on the team for 10 months in Iraq before getting injured in an explosive accident in June. Sgt Pistole shown in the image below lost his leg and has extensive damage in his left arm due to the accident.

Since the accident, Sgt Pistole has gone through numerous surgeries and countless hours of therapy. He was however very determined to be there to welcome his fellow comrades home. Sgt Pistole and entire 705th did a great job in Iraq. While deployed the 705th collectively earned two Bronze Stars with Valor, 13 Bronze Stars, six Army Commendation Medals, 20 Navy Marine Achievement Medals, 19 Combat Action Badges and five Purple Hearts.

The members of the 705th EOD are now enjoying a much needed break.

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