Cemetery Expansion Reveals Buried WWII UXO
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The two images below are examples of the types of images that were donated. The first image taken in August 1952 at Camp Edwards, Massachusetts shows two EOD soldiers training on a 150lbs bomb at the bottom of a large pit. The second image taken in July 1942 shows members of an EOD unit being trained in Puerto Rico on the process of uncovering buried UXO.
UXOInfo.com is very excited about the information donation and we look forward to posting the data for all users to access. If you have any unclassified images, documents, and reports on UXO that you would like to donate to our free on-line UXO document library and UXO photo gallery please email them to information@uxoifno.com.
As it turns out, the property sits within the surface danger zone (SDZ) of a 155mm howitzer gun that is used for avalanche control. Colorado Department of Transportation officials are concerned that it would be too dangerous for the occupants of the house to fire 155mm high explosive shells over the house and that the resulting nearby explosions could also result in extensive property damage including broken windows and glass.