Navy Divers Search For Propellant Charges Off Hawaii

Waianae, Hawaii - Navy divers conducted an underwater survey for munitions and propellant charges in an area known as Five-Inch Reef located approximately ¾ of a mile offshore. Reportedly, hundreds of propellant charges have been found washing up along the Waianae Coast for decades including some that were found by local residents as recently as a week ago.

The Army, who has the lead in the investigation in finding the source of the propellant charges, reported that the dive yielded at least one propellant charge being found. The propellant charge was reported as a single-base nitrocellulose charge used in the firing of projectiles.

Historical records show that thousands of munitions have been dumped in the waters off Waianae back in the WWII time frame. Another location of interest that is suspected of containing propellant charges and dumped munitions is known as Ammo Reef, located approximately 200 yards from the Waianae boat harbor. Reportedly, the divers experienced significant underwater currents during the dive and it was unclear at this time if the search will be expanded.

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