Historic Headlines (1944)  Bomb Disposal School Issues ID Guide For Japanese Bombs and Fuzes.

During WWII numerous technical publications and ID guides on foreign ordnance were produced. These publications were produced for the bomb disposal community as well as other soldiers, sailors, airman, and marines. In July 1944, the U.S. Navy Bomb Disposal School issued an id guide on Japanese Bombs and Fuzes. A copy of this manual (now de-classified) was found at the National Archives. Users interested in WWII era ordnance can view the ID guide using the download link below. The guide makes a great reference for sites where WWII UXO are suspected.

The guide covers high explosives and incendiary bombs as well as Type A, B, C and D Japanese bomb fuzes. The guide includes an introduction to Japanese bombs including details on the design / construction, markings, fuzing, and explosive fillers used by the Japanese Army and Navy.

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