New Category Added to UXO Document Library  Awareness

A new category has been added to the UXO Document Library  "Awareness". The "Awareness" category includes a variety of posters, briefings, and presentations on basic UXO Awareness. The collection was put together from various UXO projects across DoD including the Dolly Sods FUDS located in the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia. 20 documents have been uploaded to the UXO Document Library so far including the Army's Sergeant Woof UXO coloring book shown in the image below.

To access the Awareness documents use the Document Library link from the menu on the right hand side of the homepage. Then select "View List of Topic Areas to Downselect from the Database". A list of topics will appear, find the Awareness Category (Topic 5300). Once the Awareness topic is selected a list of available documents will appear with links to download the documents from the library.

If you have any other UXO Awareness related documents for the UXO Library please email them to

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