USACE Completes UXO TCRA at Surf City Beach

Surf City, New Jersey - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) announced the completion of the Time Critical Removal Action (TCRA) of UXO from the surf city beach. Although the TCRA is complete and the beach is open, the USACE and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJ DEP) are still warning the public of the potential for UXO. first reported on the UXO at surf city in an article posted on 28 March 2007. Since the article was posted, the USACE removed over 1,100 pieces of UXO from the beach area. The UXO was deposited on the beach from a beach replenishment project also managed by the USACE. Public warnings have been issued to beach goers in the area and the USACE also put together a UXO awareness information brochure (which can be viewed using the download link below).

In addition to the public warning notices and the information brochure, the city also implemented a restriction on digging below a depth of 1 foot and banned metal detectors from the beach area.

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