Historic Headlines (1942) Technical Bulletin on 2.36 Inch MI Rocket Launcher Released
On July 4, 1942, the War Department, Ordnance Office released Technical Bulletin (TB) 200-6 on the Anti-tank (AT) MI Rocket Launcher. The MI rocket launcher was approximately 54 inches long with a 2.36 inches internal diameter. The complete system equipped with handgrips, firing mechanism, and aiming sights was used to launch the 2.36-inch M6 high explosive anti-tank rocket (shown in the image below).

The M1 could also fire the 2.36-inch M7 rocket, which was the practice version of the M6. The M7 (formerly designated as the T2 AT practice rocket) was identical in weight and external appearance to the M6, but did not have a high explosive filler for its main charge. The M1 system was fired from the shoulder in the standing, kneeling, sitting, or prone positions.
The system did not produce any recoil in the launcher itself since the propulsion of the rocket was accomplished by the jet action of the propelling powder. The now de-classified 1942 version of TB 200-6, which can be viewed using the download link below, outlines the methods for loading, firing, packing and storing the M1 rocket launch system.
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