Unexploded Incendiary Device Found Along with CAIS Kits

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  an unexploded incendiary device was found at the Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge. Members of the Army's 22d Chemical Battalion (Tech Escort) found the item as they were working on the recovery of recently discovered Chemical Agent Identification Set (CAIS) vials. Tech Escort was initially called to the scene after a Boy Scott digging for crystal found the first CAIS vial. Reportedly, the boy accidentally broke the bottle and experienced some symptoms of exposure including coughing, burning eyes, and a runny nose. Fortunately, it was reported that he has no lingering ill effects.

When authorities were notified about the initial find, they closed down the refuge's selenite crystal site and called in the Army for support. Since then, Tech Escort has recovered 130 intact CAIS vials at the site. According to the US Fish and Wildlife website a final determination of the contents of each vial recovered to date has yet to be made. The website also encourages those who may have collected vials or military munitions from the area in the past to call 911 and report the items in an open amnesty program.

The site of discovery is a formerly used defense site (FUDS) - the former Great Salt Plains Bombing Range near Cherokee, Oklahoma. A picture of intact CAIS vials is shown below. The image was not taken from the Oklahoma site itself but has been included for reference purposes. Other images of CAIS vials can be viewed in the UXO Photo library under the "Chemical" Category.

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