Annual DERP to Congress MMRP Progress Update

DoD Released the FY 2007 Annual Defense Environmental Report to Congress which details the accomplishments and progress of DoD's environmental programs during FY2007. Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP) sites fall under the Defense Environmental Program and are included in the annual report. This article is the first in a series that will be posted on the UXO News Wire Service (i.e. UXO Blog) about the Annual Report to Congress as it relates to the munitions and UXO industry.

A new appendix to this year's annual report is the "MMRP Comprehensive Plan Update" (Appendix M). The 4-page executive summary style plan presents a summary of the progress made by the DoD Services in meeting the performance goals and metrics of the MMRP as well as providing a top level budget overview. Below are some highlights from Appendix M :

DoD Service # of MMRP Sites FY 07 Budget ($) FY08 Budget($) Cost to Complete ($)
Army 1,004 $83.9M $37.4M $2.94B
Navy 271 $56.4M $44.2M $713M
Air Force 612 $18.8 $55.3M $1.59B
FUDS 1,650 $118.5 $87M $13B

The plan also provides an updated on the MMRP progress towards the established program performance metrics. According to the plan, Preliminary Assessments (PAs) have been completed at 96% of the MMRP sites at active installations and at 99% of MMRP sites located on FUDS properties. Site Inspections (SI) have been completed at 29% of the MMRP sites located on active installations and 37% of the MMRP sites located on FUDS properties.

The MMRP Comprehensive Plan Update (appendix M of the Annual Report to Congress) can be viewed using the download link below.

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