National Park Service Adopts New Policy on Ordnance

Petersburg, Virginia The National Park Service has adopted a new policy regarding Civil War ordnance. The new policy states that the bomb squad will be notified when Civil War ordnance items are found on historic properties. Prior to the policy, ordnance found sometimes made its way into the hands of museums or collectors.

The new policy comes after the death of a Civil War relic hunter back in February (see 19 February news article). The collector, Sam White, 53 who ran an online business known as Sam White Relics, was killed when he attempted to defuse a cannon ball in his driveway.

The Virginia State Police Bomb Squad have responded to calls in the past involving Civil War era ordnance and are set up to properly dispose of ordnance found.

Lance McMahan's Gravatar Does the National Park Service policy include non-civil war ordnance items?
# Posted By Lance McMahan | 5/6/08 8:26 AM

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