DDDESB Releases Update to 6055.9 Standard

The DoD Explosive Safety Board (DDESB) released an updated version of their explosive safety standard 6055.9 STD. The update incorporates two series of changes and revisions which were initially incorporated in March and August 2009 respectively. Impacts to the UXO industry include updates to the section on Material Potentially Presenting An Explosive Hazard (MPPEH) (i.e., Section 16) which adds a sub section on the "Collection of MPPEH" (subsection 16-3).

Sub-section 16-3 covering collection of MPPEH does not incorporate any "new" requirements related to the management of MPPEH itself but rather updates the 6055.STD so that it agrees with language in DoD Instruction 4140.62 "Material Potentially Presenting an Explosive Hazard" which was updated in November 2008. The revised DDESB standard strengthens DoD's commitment to ensure that hazardous material is not released outside of its control and that all material inspected that is certified as safe (i.e., material documented as safe [MDAS]) is controlled and maintained to prevent potential co-mingling of MPPEH and material documented as an explosive hazard (MDEH).

The revised explosive safety standard does clarify when MPPEH processing areas and points require explosive safety siting. Siting is not required for temporary MPPEH collection points on operational ranges that are located and contained within the EQSD of the operational range. The standard also re-iterates the transportation requirements for MDEH and MPPEH. Only MDEH and MPPEH that is certified in writing as safe to transport can be transported in accordance with Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations including the need for establishing a hazard classification. According to the standard, the commander or responsible authority must authorize certifying personnel as technically qualified to make explosive safety transportation determinations.

To view the 21 August 2009 update of DDESB 6055.9 Standard, use the download link below.

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