Another Hand Grenade Magnet Fishing Find

Dorchester, United Kingdom a 27 year old man magnet fishing at River Frome pulled up a rusty hand grenade. The man notified the police who responded and setup an exclusion zone around the area until an EOD team could arrive.

The man, who is a member of the Dorset Magnet Fishing Community, claimed to on Social Media that it was the third time he found a military hand grenade while magnet fishing. The first grenade was recovered from a river in Dorchester and the second grenade from the River Frome.

Describing the find to reporters the man stated, "I called the police straight away as soon as I realized what it was....When I pulled it up I thought 'oh no, not another one' - this will be the third one I have found personally, and the fourth one the group has found." He went on to say, "You have to be responsible and call the police straight away. You can't just leave it.

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