Young Magnet Fisherman Hooks a WWI Grenade

Oxford, England A 9-year-old boy visiting his aunt had quite an adventure when he reeled in an antique stick grenade from the River Thames. Elijah Hearn pulled up the rusty UXO from the river after a group of experienced magnet fishermen on the shore offered to let him give it a try.

In an interview, Hearn said he didn't have much luck on the first try, but on the second throw, "that's when the man told me we found a bomb. He told me to stay back."

The ordnance, identified as a WWI era grenade, was safely removed for disposal by authorities. His mom said, "It's interesting. I think it's quite exciting, as long as it's not live."

The group of magnet fishermen who witnessed Hearn's catch said it has found "at least" five 100-year-old hand grenades in the river along with three handguns.

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