Welcome UXO Guest Author - Tom Gersbeck

Tom Gersbeck is the Director of the MMRP Division of EW Wells Group, LLC based out of Dallas, Texas. From July 2010 to July 2013, Tom served multiple overseas tours as PM of the Joint Asymmetric Threat Awareness & Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (JATAC-FWD), Mobile Training Teams (MTT), supporting military operations, Triage Laboratory Lead of the RC-North and RC-East Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell (CEXC) in Afghanistan, and also worked in the biometrics laboratory.

He served as Team Leader of the first contracted operational EOD Team in Basra, Iraq on the Department of State (DoS), Worldwide Protective Services (WPS) contract; and as an adviser for DoS to the Tanzanian Peoples Defense Force on the Gongo La Mboto ammunition dump mishap in February, 2011.


The Potential for Mustard and Lewisite in UXO

By: Contributing Author Richard Albright, JD, MS, PHD

According to archival research, the author discovered that Julius Nieuwland was a priest and graduate student in chemistry at Catholic University in Washington, D.C., in the early 20th Century. Father Nieuwland discovered several important reactions of acetylene. One involved arsenic tri-chloride and produced a noxious gas and tarry product. He noted it in his doctoral thesis.

In 1917, the chemistry building at Catholic University was turned over to the War Department and a team of chemists under the direction of Capt. Winford Lee Lewis began refining mustard gas. They found Nieuwland's thesis and refined his discovery into Lewisite. Dr. Joel Vilensky, Indiana University, has written an extensive history of Lewisite in a book entitled "The Dew of Death."


UXOInfo.com Welcomes Maarten Bosma, Geophysicist

Mr. Maarten Bosma has been working in the field of UXO clearance for nine years now as a consultant and a geophysics specialist. In his daily work he advises clients which detection technique is best for a certain locations and provides guidance in the field in the areas of UXO, archaeology, and utilities. He has performed surveys for trenches, tunnels, and other battlefields with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and magnetometry. In 2012, he was the project leader of a feasibility study for the development of a GPR system for Vehicle Mounted IED detection for the Dutch Royal army.


UXO Guest Author Mr. Terry Collins EOD, PMP, Six Sigma BB

UXOInfo.com welcomes Mr. Terry Collins as a UXO Guest Author to the website and UXO E-Newsletter. For more information on the UXO Guest Author Program visit the Guest Author Page.

Overview of Mine Action and UXO Operational Experience

Terry Collins served in the United States Marine Corps from 1981 thru 1992. He is a combat veteran honorably discharged after 10 years of service at the rank of Staff Sergeant (E6). During his military career he graduated from several military schools including; US Navy NAVSCHEOD, USMC Infantry School, US Army Basic Airborne, US Army Ammunition Technician School, USMC NCO and Staff NCO academies. Terry has continued to work in the munitions clearance industry after discharge from the Marines.


UXO Guest Author Rick Stauber

UXOInfo.com welcomes Rick Stauber as a UXO Guest Author to the website and UXO E-Newsletter. For more information on the UXO Guest Author Program visit the UXO Guest Author Page on UXOInfo.com.

Mr. Stauber has more than 30 years of experience as a Master EOD Technician in the field of military munitions in military and commercial EOD arenas. He has been recognized by federal and state agencies such as the US Department of Justice and the US Environmental Protection Agency as an expert in the field of military munitions. He has provided technical expert testimony in State and Federal courts and to Congressional committees on military munitions. Mr. Stauber was the Explosive Ordnance Disposal advisor to US Army Chief of Ordnance, from 2007 to 2008.

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