Farmhouse Renovation Turns Up Dynamite

Ucon, Idaho  A homeowner renovating an old farmhouse previously owned by his father was shocked to find three sticks of old dynamite in the basement. Reportedly, the father bought the dynamite over 40 years ago to demolish an old building. Having dynamite left over, the man decided to save it to clear tree stumps in the area. He put the dynamite in the basement to hide it from the kids. The man never used the dynamite and died many years later without telling anyone it was there.

The homeowner called the police to report the find. Police called in the Mountain Home bomb squad for technical support in dealing with the dynamite. Reportedly, the dynamite had decayed and crystallized from being stored in the basement over all these years. The bomb squad removed the dynamite from the basement and transported it several miles to a gravel pit where it was safely detonated. Several roads were closed during the transportation and disposal process as a safety precaution.

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