Late Artists Dynamite Stash Surprises Everyone

Santa Fe, New Mexico After a 76-year old artist passed away from natural causes, his family made a startling discovery while cleaning out his house - a paper bag filled with explosives. The artist reportedly purchased the explosives over 20 years ago for cutting and shaping metal into sculptors. The family member immediately called the police after recognizing what was in the bag.

The Santa Fe police responded with a technical support from their bomb squad. The bomb squad used a robot to remove the bag containing six sticks of dynamite from the house. The bag was placed on the driveway and counter charged with donor explosives to dispose of the hazard.

The incident took several hours and caused the evacuation of nearby residents. No injuries were reported but a large crater was left in the driveway from the detonation. A small price to pay for what could have been a deadly incident had the family member not acted as cautiously as she did.

Bob Klimczak's Gravatar Curious why they blew it in the driveway leaving a hole rather than doing a burn. Don't they teach techs how to do burns anymore?
# Posted By Bob Klimczak | 9/22/11 8:54 AM

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