Old Dynamite Recovered Near Lake Tahoe Highway

Sacramento, California Deputies with the Washoe County Sheriff's Office were alerted by a citizen about potential explosives discarded alongside the highway 28, between the Thunderbird and Sand Harbor areas, on the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe.

Authorities responded and after searching the area located aged dynamite sticks among pine straw, rocks, and trees about 150 feet from the highway. A multi-agency bomb squad responded to the scene and deployed a robot to retrieve the explosive. During the response, Authorities closed Highway 28 in both directions for about four hours.

In a website posting following the response, the Sheriff's Office wrote - "The explosive was detonated and rendered safe" adding that "The explosive appeared to be dynamite that was very old."

The sheriff's offices of Douglas and Washoe counties, Nevada Highway Patrol, FBI, park rangers and local fire departments all took part in the response and investigation, according to the Washoe County Sheriff's Office news release.

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